Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I Have Returned From Alaska's Pribilofs.....

Well after literally the trip of a lifetime in where everything turned from gold to platinum with each passing day; and after a four day extension of unplanned stay in the island due to some ferocious winter weathter......I finally returned home a day ago. I have a story to tell but my mind is still on go equal to the brutal winds we had blow on the island. I will resume the blog with some of the many hundreds of photos we all took last week........stand by!!! Here's one to show the benefits we reaped of sticking to the plan and ultimate goal!


  1. Glad you made it home finally. It was a pleasure to hunt with you Mike hope to see ya again someday on another Adventure in Alaska.
    Capt Charlie Summerville

  2. Charlie....you have no idea how much I enjoyed my hunt with you on the island. You run a first class operation that is customer oriented that emphasizes safety under the conditions!! It was fun to stay at your camp and I'm glad I got to help out around there!! Makes me feel good!!!! Thank you again sir....I really had the time of my life!!!
